Happy December, everyone! I cannot believe we're already in the last month of the year. After living in our new home for two weeks, we FINALLY got our internet and TV all set up yesterday, so I am now able to fully connect to the outside world again!
The unpacking of all of our boxes has gone A LOT more slowly than I expected, practically at a glacial speed. Even with my husband home this entire past week on permissive TDY, not much progress has been made. But we were able to get enough of our belongings out of boxes last week to be able to properly cook Thanksgiving dinner for the two of us.
Overall we love our new home. It has all of the space we were looking for, and then some with 4 bedrooms plus an additional loft type space upstairs. While my husband and I love our house, I believe our dogs might actually love it even more than we do. They have a fenced in back yard to run around in and no longer have to be leashed up in order to go outside. They have more space to run around inside the house, plus a staircase to go up and down that gets them lots of exercise.
Much of my focus has been spent on trying to find a new job. I found one position a couple weeks ago on post at Ft. Sam that matched up perfectly with my experiences at my previous job, plus it offered military spouse hiring preference, however I never heard a word back from them. I do have an interview coming up this week for another position I applied for, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Lastly, I have a little news to share with everyone. This news is a big reason why the unpacking of our house hasn't gone as planned, as I haven't exactly had the energy to do a lot of lifting and shifting of things...
My husband and I are expecting our first child! Needless to say, we are very excited!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Journey to the Alamo, Part 2
Last Thursday I began a little recap to get everyone up-to-date with the on-goings of our lives over the past month and hope to wrap it all up here today. I know I had mentioned my intentions of following up with part 2 the day after the original post, however life intervened and I lost my free internet access before I was able to complete the post.
Two weeks ago on Monday the 5th, we picked up all of our fur babies from boarding and said goodbye to Georgia as we began our journey west. We decided we wanted to cram as much of our stuff as humanly possible into our smaller sized sedan since we had decided to do a partial-DITY, which included 90% of hubby's gear. The trunk was packed to the brim. We had items covering half of the back seat as well as in the floor behind both of our seats. There were a few items at the floor at my feat on the passenger's side of the car. And lastly, we had a soft-pack roof top carrier loaded up above (and tied down to our car with ropes that wrapped around and were knotted inside).
It made for a cramped car (especially with three animals and the two of us inside) and kind of sucky gas mileage, but we've had easy access to most anything we'd really need or want until we are able to move into a place and receive our household goods delivery.
On our first night we stayed at a hotel in Mobile, AL, and the next morning as we went outside to load the car back up in prep for check-out, we stumbled across the Batmobile nestled in the back of a Warner Brothers Studio truck. And upon further inspection of the truck, we also saw Batman's motorcycle inside.
Guests and employees of the hotel, along with employees of the neighboring hospital, all made their way outside to get the same pictures we snapped. It's not something you see everyday!
For the most part our pets were fairly well behaved over the course of the three day drive. When we first began on day one, the dogs kept bouncing around and the cat wouldn't stop crying, but eventually they all calmed down and were good until the end of day three when we finally arrived in San Antonio.
We made it to Fort Sam Houston last Wednesday the 7th, and before we even checked into a hotel, hubby decided he first wanted to check in with his unit to let them know he arrived and to find out how everything was going to work from then on out. This meant that I was then stuck in the car for a couple HOURS with the kids, getting funny looks from all of the soldiers who walked past our car.
Hubby got a quick orientation with his unit before being told he didn't have to report until Tuesday morning PT, following the four-day weekend for Veteran's Day. We were excited by this as it meant we could get a jump start on house hunting on his unexpected free days off, well before he would be approved for permissive TDY to secure housing.
After meeting with the housing office first thing Thursday morning, we started hitting the town and looking at houses available for rent that we had found online. We quickly crossed off several houses after seeing the upkeep of the exteriors and the neighborhoods, or rather lack thereof, and then also found several houses we were interested in looking at further and began contacting realtors.
We looked at the inside of four or five different houses in different neighborhoods over the course of two days (not to mention drove by and checked out from the outside another 15 or so places) before we decided on one that we absolutely love! It has over twice the square footage of our previous apartment and met our requirements of a minimum of three bedrooms/two bathrooms, fenced-in backyard, nice kitchen, and garage.
After deciding that would be the house we'd submit an application on, we decided to relax a little bit and do some of the touristy things in San Antonio before officially becoming residents. Friday afternoon and most of Saturday were spent in downtown San Antonio, checking out the Rivercenter Mall, The Alamo, and the Riverwalk.
We ended up spending the full 10 days of temporary lodging we were authorized living out of our suitcases in a hotel room before we finally received approval on the house we applied for. After two weeks of hotel stays and eating out at just about every chain restaurant out there (and getting absolutely tired of it), we were very excited to escape nomad life at the end of this past week and finally move into our new home!
We got into our house this weekend, and the movers were able to quickly come out and delivered our HHG shipment yesterday morning. So now I am absolutely swamped with unpacking our house, scheduling appointments for various items (we won't have internet set up at the house for over another week still), updating our residence with all necessary parties, and oh yeah, that pesky little item of trying to find a new job. After two months of unemployment, I am going rather stir crazy and miss being a contributing member of society.
Two weeks ago on Monday the 5th, we picked up all of our fur babies from boarding and said goodbye to Georgia as we began our journey west. We decided we wanted to cram as much of our stuff as humanly possible into our smaller sized sedan since we had decided to do a partial-DITY, which included 90% of hubby's gear. The trunk was packed to the brim. We had items covering half of the back seat as well as in the floor behind both of our seats. There were a few items at the floor at my feat on the passenger's side of the car. And lastly, we had a soft-pack roof top carrier loaded up above (and tied down to our car with ropes that wrapped around and were knotted inside).
It made for a cramped car (especially with three animals and the two of us inside) and kind of sucky gas mileage, but we've had easy access to most anything we'd really need or want until we are able to move into a place and receive our household goods delivery.
On our first night we stayed at a hotel in Mobile, AL, and the next morning as we went outside to load the car back up in prep for check-out, we stumbled across the Batmobile nestled in the back of a Warner Brothers Studio truck. And upon further inspection of the truck, we also saw Batman's motorcycle inside.
Guests and employees of the hotel, along with employees of the neighboring hospital, all made their way outside to get the same pictures we snapped. It's not something you see everyday!
For the most part our pets were fairly well behaved over the course of the three day drive. When we first began on day one, the dogs kept bouncing around and the cat wouldn't stop crying, but eventually they all calmed down and were good until the end of day three when we finally arrived in San Antonio.
We made it to Fort Sam Houston last Wednesday the 7th, and before we even checked into a hotel, hubby decided he first wanted to check in with his unit to let them know he arrived and to find out how everything was going to work from then on out. This meant that I was then stuck in the car for a couple HOURS with the kids, getting funny looks from all of the soldiers who walked past our car.
Hubby got a quick orientation with his unit before being told he didn't have to report until Tuesday morning PT, following the four-day weekend for Veteran's Day. We were excited by this as it meant we could get a jump start on house hunting on his unexpected free days off, well before he would be approved for permissive TDY to secure housing.
After meeting with the housing office first thing Thursday morning, we started hitting the town and looking at houses available for rent that we had found online. We quickly crossed off several houses after seeing the upkeep of the exteriors and the neighborhoods, or rather lack thereof, and then also found several houses we were interested in looking at further and began contacting realtors.
We looked at the inside of four or five different houses in different neighborhoods over the course of two days (not to mention drove by and checked out from the outside another 15 or so places) before we decided on one that we absolutely love! It has over twice the square footage of our previous apartment and met our requirements of a minimum of three bedrooms/two bathrooms, fenced-in backyard, nice kitchen, and garage.
After deciding that would be the house we'd submit an application on, we decided to relax a little bit and do some of the touristy things in San Antonio before officially becoming residents. Friday afternoon and most of Saturday were spent in downtown San Antonio, checking out the Rivercenter Mall, The Alamo, and the Riverwalk.
We ended up spending the full 10 days of temporary lodging we were authorized living out of our suitcases in a hotel room before we finally received approval on the house we applied for. After two weeks of hotel stays and eating out at just about every chain restaurant out there (and getting absolutely tired of it), we were very excited to escape nomad life at the end of this past week and finally move into our new home!
We got into our house this weekend, and the movers were able to quickly come out and delivered our HHG shipment yesterday morning. So now I am absolutely swamped with unpacking our house, scheduling appointments for various items (we won't have internet set up at the house for over another week still), updating our residence with all necessary parties, and oh yeah, that pesky little item of trying to find a new job. After two months of unemployment, I am going rather stir crazy and miss being a contributing member of society.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Journey to the Alamo, Part 1
We have been in San Antonio for a full week now, and we're still working on getting all settled in here. The past month has been a crazy little whirlwind of sorts!
When hubby finally arrived home for good last month to begin his hometown recruiting duty, we quickly fell back into a nice and normal routine. It also helped a bit that his work schedule was short and easy, only having to work 10a-2p Monday-Thursday for two weeks! It was then made even easier on him because of how quickly he delivered results and brought in contact information for 5 potential new recruits after his first day of work, when they only expected 8 leads out of him the entire time.
The movers came to pack us up on Monday the 22nd, and they were in and out with everything loaded onto the truck in about 6.5 hours!
When I met with the pre-move inspection guy the week before, he thought we had way too much stuff for the packers to be able to take care of everything in one day and said they'd likely pack on that Monday and then finish some packing & load up the truck on Tuesday. I thought two days to pack up and load a 1000 sq ft apartment sounded a little crazy, and I was right. They didn't even need a full 8-hour day, and they even took some breaks in there as well!
Hubby and I then got to spend four nights sleeping on the floor of our largely empty apartment until that Friday when we finally checked out with the property manager and hit the road to Virginia for the wedding of hubby's brother.
We spent over a week in Virginia with family and helping out with wedding preparations over the course of the week. Our first full day in town that Saturday was when the bachelor and bachelorette parties were held. For the bachelorette party, us girls got together at an apartment and spent the night in enjoying drinks, games, yummy snack foods, and a wedding movie marathon. The bachelor party was a longer affair and began with a late morning trip to the shooting range, followed by lunch at Hooter's where my brother-in-law was made to get up in front of the restaurant and spell out "I Love Hooters" with his butt, and ended with an overnight stay in Washington D.C.
Halloween night a bunch of us got together at my mother-in-law's boyfriend's house for a bonfire he holds each year. The night was spent eating tons of food while hanging out at the end of his driveway in front of two fire pits that were so hot and bright I felt as though I was getting a tan at 9pm.
The wedding day was the following Saturday on the 3rd, and surprisingly I don't have any pictures of my own from the big day. I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't snap any shots from their day or get any pics of me and my hubby together, but I suppose it is what it is.
The morning after the wedding, hubby and I said our goodbyes to all of our family, not knowing when we'd get to see them all again, and hit the road to begin our journey to Texas. As luck would have it, we got a flat tire about an hour down the road that Sunday, and as we hadn't yet replaced our full-sized spare tire from a flat I had a month prior, we had no spare in the car and were delayed a couple hours on our drive back to Georgia in order to get the car towed to get the tire replaced. The most unfortunate part of this meant we weren't able to get our dogs that night from where we had boarded them and had to wait until the next morning to be reunited with our babies.
Check back tomorrow for part 2 of our trip!
When hubby finally arrived home for good last month to begin his hometown recruiting duty, we quickly fell back into a nice and normal routine. It also helped a bit that his work schedule was short and easy, only having to work 10a-2p Monday-Thursday for two weeks! It was then made even easier on him because of how quickly he delivered results and brought in contact information for 5 potential new recruits after his first day of work, when they only expected 8 leads out of him the entire time.
The movers came to pack us up on Monday the 22nd, and they were in and out with everything loaded onto the truck in about 6.5 hours!
When I met with the pre-move inspection guy the week before, he thought we had way too much stuff for the packers to be able to take care of everything in one day and said they'd likely pack on that Monday and then finish some packing & load up the truck on Tuesday. I thought two days to pack up and load a 1000 sq ft apartment sounded a little crazy, and I was right. They didn't even need a full 8-hour day, and they even took some breaks in there as well!
Hubby and I then got to spend four nights sleeping on the floor of our largely empty apartment until that Friday when we finally checked out with the property manager and hit the road to Virginia for the wedding of hubby's brother.
We spent over a week in Virginia with family and helping out with wedding preparations over the course of the week. Our first full day in town that Saturday was when the bachelor and bachelorette parties were held. For the bachelorette party, us girls got together at an apartment and spent the night in enjoying drinks, games, yummy snack foods, and a wedding movie marathon. The bachelor party was a longer affair and began with a late morning trip to the shooting range, followed by lunch at Hooter's where my brother-in-law was made to get up in front of the restaurant and spell out "I Love Hooters" with his butt, and ended with an overnight stay in Washington D.C.
Halloween night a bunch of us got together at my mother-in-law's boyfriend's house for a bonfire he holds each year. The night was spent eating tons of food while hanging out at the end of his driveway in front of two fire pits that were so hot and bright I felt as though I was getting a tan at 9pm.
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Lighting of the fires (hubby is on the right) |
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Our host decided to dress as the Green Lantern (as well as don a horse mask he loves to break out at any and all occasions, including weddings...) |
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Blurry photo of me, but proof I was there! |
The wedding day was the following Saturday on the 3rd, and surprisingly I don't have any pictures of my own from the big day. I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't snap any shots from their day or get any pics of me and my hubby together, but I suppose it is what it is.
The morning after the wedding, hubby and I said our goodbyes to all of our family, not knowing when we'd get to see them all again, and hit the road to begin our journey to Texas. As luck would have it, we got a flat tire about an hour down the road that Sunday, and as we hadn't yet replaced our full-sized spare tire from a flat I had a month prior, we had no spare in the car and were delayed a couple hours on our drive back to Georgia in order to get the car towed to get the tire replaced. The most unfortunate part of this meant we weren't able to get our dogs that night from where we had boarded them and had to wait until the next morning to be reunited with our babies.
Check back tomorrow for part 2 of our trip!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Westward Bound
I've been all sorts of horrible with keeping up with social media these last few weeks with everything I've had going on, but I hope to be back to a more regular blogging routine in the next week or so as we begin to get settled in San Antonio.
For right now I will leave you with a picture of something we saw this morning as we left our hotel to continue our journey west. It was nestled in the back of a Warner Brothers Studio truck.
For right now I will leave you with a picture of something we saw this morning as we left our hotel to continue our journey west. It was nestled in the back of a Warner Brothers Studio truck.
Friday, October 5, 2012
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #75
Linked Up @ Wife of a Sailor
1. What's one thing in the past month you would have changed? Nothing really.
2. What was your favorite thing that happened in September? Easy! My husband came back from his deployment :)
3. Sometimes I like to sit on my couch and eat frosting from a can with a spoon. Whipped varieties are the best lol.
4. What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume? I had a very cute bunny costume that I wore when I was like 3 or 4 years old.
5. What are you looking forward to in October? I get to go to a friend's baby shower this weekend, and I'm super excited for it because originally I wasn't going to be able to attend.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Happy October
Happy October, everyone! Given how incredibly long the last five months were and how slowly time seemed to move, I cannot believe we're nearing the end of the year. I kind of love this time of year, from October through to January, with all of the holidays and other special days it brings.
As of today, hubby and I have been married one & a half years. Usually I'm not much of a half-year celebrator, but I figure there will likely be times ahead where we'll celebrate half-birthdays and half-anniversaries in order to best take advantage of the time hubby and I have together, especially when we have children.
We're very lucky that with all of the time we've spent apart from each other this last year or so, we've somehow managed to be together for just about every special day or holiday, with the only exception being both of our birthdays. We've gotten our anniversaries (dating & wedding) and bigger holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and even Easter together. It really is amazing when you think about the fact that in 18 months of marriage, we've only been together for about 5 months of that time.
As of today, hubby and I have been married one & a half years. Usually I'm not much of a half-year celebrator, but I figure there will likely be times ahead where we'll celebrate half-birthdays and half-anniversaries in order to best take advantage of the time hubby and I have together, especially when we have children.
We're very lucky that with all of the time we've spent apart from each other this last year or so, we've somehow managed to be together for just about every special day or holiday, with the only exception being both of our birthdays. We've gotten our anniversaries (dating & wedding) and bigger holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and even Easter together. It really is amazing when you think about the fact that in 18 months of marriage, we've only been together for about 5 months of that time.
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