Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankful for Time

For Thanksgiving this year, I'm thankful to be married to my best friend and to have had the opportunity to spend the last four days with him.  It was absolutely wonderful to be able to get all of that time with him and do things at our own schedule, not having to worry about returning him to base until it was time for me to head to the airport to catch my plane home.

We had our Thanksgiving meal at the dining facility on base, which wasn't half bad by any means.  And you could tell that the workers there are used to feeding hungry soldiers every day as the amount of food on my plate could have easily lasted me for about two or three meals.  Thankfully my husband was still hungry after eating all of his and finished off my plate as well so none of it went to waste.  He showed me around base, and most of the time I felt like I was just driving around in circles with how the roads all wind around and intertwine with each other (though by yesterday I had finally learned my way around enough to be able to find my way to the PX, commissary, and his barracks from the starting point of the main gate without him having to tell me where to turn).  We then spent most of our time hanging out in our hotel room, out shopping at various malls and stores, and filling our stomachs full with lots of yummy food that neither of us had really eaten in a while to the point of wanting to pass out from food-induced comas.

I sure did love hearing him say how much happier he was and how much better his days were by having me there with him.  I don't think either of us would have traded that time together for anything.  We've now got just over three weeks until we're together again, but this time it will be for two straight weeks.  Let the countdown to his Christmas leave begin!

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